
29 October: In an NBA regular-season game, the Orlando Magic defeated the Indiana Pacers with a score of 119-115.

After the game, the Magic's head coach was asked about the recent progress and growth of player Blake. The coach expressed his pride in the young player, stating, "I am proud of this young man. We've said before that this summer, he has been dedicated to his training. He has been waiting for his chance to prove himself, and he understands how great he is. He never backs down. I've said it many times, he has spent the entire summer in the training facility. He's not afraid of anything - not afraid of sitting on the bench, not afraid of defense, not afraid of rebounding, not afraid of competition. I'm proud of his belief and self-discipline, and I'm proud of the rest of the team as well."

In this game, Blake played for 30 minutes and contributed 8 points, 3 rebounds, and 3 assists, including a crucial three-pointer that sealed the victory.



当字母哥砍下59分 而耐克称他已不再幼稚 杰伦回应:你们的氛围真的奇怪
詹姆斯:全力以赴助球队争胜 赛场波折于我已成常态
詹姆斯表示浓眉末节的得分至关重要 我们确实需要这点
布朗说别得意忘形 这可能是我们整个赛季的终极难题
老里忆往昔 字母哥独占鳌头 以一己之力搅动赛场风云
小瓦格纳强势29+6助魔术险胜步行者 哈利伯顿14中3状态不佳
纳斯透露恩比德与乔治将在下场比赛登场 乔治的出场时间限制已解除
东契奇:克莱今晚表现出色 重返旧地情感涌动
在梦幻现实中对决 克莱谈与库里NBA赛场首次对位
克莱谈库里 被他最后的攻击波击溃令人心痛 作为对手感受糟糕
NBA杯比赛中布克拿下31分 比尔贡献24分 科林斯29分11篮板 太阳战胜爵士
塔图姆休息 绿军双子星均砍30分刷新2014年纪录
上赛季季后赛我们的防守表现出色 进攻才是输球的症结
基迪:我们是一个无私的团队 都希望为彼此创造良好的投篮机会
篮网主帅表示对克洛尼投中五记三分不意外 他的投篮能力出色


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