听雨潇潇竟未闻 垒上青春待奋发_LCK直播_LPL直播

Q: Can you share with us the discussions that took place during the champion selection in the bottom lane of the fourth game?

A: After we were banned from certain champions in the fourth game, we were left with what we thought was the best option. The champion chosen by the opponent had a strong laning phase, but we thought that if we switched lanes, it might not be as favorable for them.

Q: What do you think are the key factors in a BO5 series? Do you feel comfortable with the current version of the World Championships?

A: The most important thing in a BO5 series is to have multiple strategies prepared, adjust your state of mind to the best, and have the courage to play and showcase your own abilities. As for the current version, it's alright. I personally think it suits me well.

Q: Why do you think WBG performed better today?

A: They executed team fights better than us today, and they were constantly looking for opportunities. In the end, the result was better for them.

Q: You had a successful Swiss round, but unfortunately said goodbye to the World Championships today. What areas did you find lacking in today's performance?

A: Indeed, we had a relatively smooth Swiss round, and we had a long time to prepare. We practiced a lot of combinations before the quarter-finals and some of them were banned today. I feel that in terms of the process, everything went well during our usual training sessions, but today we didn't show the same performance and bravery as in our regular training.

Q: This is the second year in a row that you've been eliminated in the quarter-finals. What adjustments do you think you need to make next year to break through to the semi-finals?

A: I'm not sure if my teammates will be the same next year. If they are, then I think reaching the quarter-finals is the minimum requirement, and breaking through to the semi-finals should be a relatively simple task.

Q: Can you predict who will win the championship this year?

A: It's hard to say, but I think whoever enters the semi-finals first and performs better will have a higher chance.



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