
2024 Global Finals in Switzerland, WBG defeated DK and advanced to the quarterfinals. After the game, Light gave an interview to the foreign media.

Q: How do you feel about making it to the knockout stage again?

Light: I feel very happy. I hope we can win against strong teams in the quarterfinals and continue to move forward step by step.

Q: Last year, you were the runner-up in the World Championship. I believe BO5 is a comfort zone for WBG. What are your expectations for the knockout stage?

Light: Coming to Paris, I am very much looking forward to reaching the finals again. Maybe if we work harder and win two BO5 matches, we can make it to the finals. I hope we can solve our own problems during this time and face and challenge our opponents in a perfect state.

Q: You have been playing professionally since 2017, but you have not won a league championship or an international championship. How much do you desire to lift your first championship trophy?

Light: I feel that I have spent a lot of time growing up. Maybe too much time, so I feel a little regret about my previous professional career. But in this global finals, I am very confident, so I hope to perform well after the quarterfinals.

Q: This year, you encountered many problems and challenges during the spring split. Will advancing to the knockout stage again this year feel particularly meaningful?

Light: It will feel very meaningful. Regardless of whether we are losing or winning, everyone has put in a lot of effort in both daily life and in the game. Everyone wants to win, so if the outcome is good, it will feel very meaningful.

Q: You are considered a very talented AD, even one of the best ADs in the world. Do you agree with this view? Especially today, I think you are one of the people who led the team to victory against DK.

Light: I hope I can withstand the test after the quarterfinals. I want to win more games, defeat stronger teams to prove that I am a good player.

Q: WBG was not highly regarded by everyone, especially after the two losses in the Swiss round. What do you think of the team's current level? Do you have the ability to compete with the top four or five teams that are considered title contenders?

Light: I think we need to make more efforts to face the top teams. Although we won today's game, every team that is 2-2 has problems. Maybe we won and we are good, but we are not the strongest. So we need to show the performance of a strong team to compete with them.

Q: How do you feel about being teammates with Tarzan again?

Light: Actually, we have always gotten along very well. When he first came to China, we started with the most basic jokes, like he can catch your jokes. Our relationship has always been quite relaxed.

Q: The draw has not started yet, do you have any words for those who don't have faith in WBG? Like a warning to them.

Light: Today, it seems that everyone didn't believe that we could win, everyone was saying that DK would 2-0 us, so I hope the teams after the quarterfinals will be careful of WBG.

Q: I heard that you don't talk much in front of people, but today you also showed your game style, a very calm and ruthless killer. Do you think this description is accurate?

Light: My personality is indeed more introverted in life. In the game, because this game requires a lot of communication to keep it going, everyone will communicate the information they see, so it feels normal in the game, not introverted.



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