
2024/25 season AFC Champions League Round 1: Shanghai Shenhua vs Pohang Steelers Post-Match Press Conference

Slutsky: I believe today's victory is a great start. When I was coaching CSKA Moscow in Russia, there were some differences in the pace of the Russian Premier League and the Champions League. But the team also needs time to adapt. In the first 60 minutes, our team also struggled to adapt to the pace of the game, but thankfully, everyone quickly adjusted and showed our true level. I hope in the next AFC Champions League match, we can fully demonstrate our tactical and technical abilities.

Marerlei (Official Man of the Match): This is my first game back after recovering from injury. In the first half, we were a bit passive, but I'm glad that as the game progressed, we gradually adapted to the rhythm and regained control of the game, eventually winning. Being able to carry this momentum of victory from the league to the AFC Champions League makes me very happy, and I hope we can continue to maintain it.

Your substitutions during the game had a significant impact. What was your thinking behind these changes?

Slutsky: In the first half, our lineup lacked pressure. During halftime, we made adjustments to the team's defensive positioning in certain areas. At the same time, I moved Teixeira to the right flank and Fernandao to the attacking midfielder position, changing our formation from 4-3-1-2 to 4-4-2. These series of adjustments posed a great threat to our opponents' defense. I am very pleased that we were able to turn the game around and win. I hope we can perform even better in the upcoming matches.



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