
T1 Global Finals Champion Skins: Inspiration from the "God"

Q: Most championship skins are based on team colors. Why did T1 choose white instead of black?

A: We provided the players with various color options and asked for their preferences. They felt that white and gold best represented the championship, so we chose these two colors as the base. On top of that, we added blue and red to reflect the source of power in League of Legends.

Q: I'm curious about the initial feedback from the players after winning the championship and how it was adjusted?

A: We incorporated almost all the requests and ideas from the players, I would say we achieved about 90%. Everything that was brought up in the first meeting was taken into account.

In terms of the cooperation process, we conducted 1v1 interviews after winning the championship. Around December, about a month later, we finalized the initial concept and had another meeting. At that time, Keria was still deciding which champion to choose. We proposed several trial ideas. Around early January, we had a face-to-face meeting with T1 to discuss recall animation and updated them on the progress of the skin design. In May and June, we presented T1 with a nearly complete version of the skins through a video conference call to confirm if it matched their desired feel and appearance.

Q: What are the elements that each player must include?

A: The players' desired elements were mostly reflected in the recall animations. Zeus wanted to visually showcase thunder and lightning, so Jace's skin includes a lot of lightning effects. As mentioned before, Oner specifically requested a warrior robe and scars from tiger claws.

Gumayusi wanted to include Doo, and we were happy to incorporate that element. Because Doo is very cute, we decided to include her in more places than initially planned. Faker believed that the four stars commemorating the four championships were important, while Keria chose Lux.

Q: The confirmation of Keria's love for Lux can be seen from the Bard skin. Is it a cause for concern internally that another champion was included in the Championship skin for the first time?

A: Of course, it was a source of concern and involved intense discussions. However, we believed it was important to try our best to fulfill the players' requests when designing the Championship skin, so we made an exception. The players worked really hard to win the championship, so we discussed how to implement their specific requests.

We created a holographic version of Lux because it provides clarity in terms of gameplay and visibility. Is Lux truly a hero in the Summoner's Rift? To avoid any confusion, we decided to use the holographic version.

Oner wanted to incorporate Bengi's Lee Sin skin, even though it is the second Lee Sin skin for the same player. From the design team's perspective, we wanted to present Lee Sin and Bard skins in a consistent manner.

Q: It is said that the Championship skin also incorporates elements from the victory in Korea. How exactly is it reflected in the skin?

A: We worked closely with the players on this part, listened to their opinions as much as possible, and tried to incorporate them into the skins. We visited Korea during the World Championships and witnessed T1's outstanding performance, which gave us a lot of inspiration from a Korean aesthetic perspective.

In terms of the skins, to commemorate the moment of victory in Korea, the players expressed that it was a very special moment. Therefore, the skins include many elements that convey the feeling of ascending like gods.

Q: Gumayusi mentioned in a personal live stream that Faker's concept was difficult to understand. Was Faker's concept really difficult?

A: We don't think it was difficult to understand. On the contrary, we had too many requests from Faker, and we apologize for that. Because we were also working on the Hall of Fame skins at the same time, we made many requests to him all at once.

During one of the meetings, Faker mentioned that he had exhausted all his creative ideas. It's natural to feel that way after going through such a creative process.

So we need to give the players sufficient guidance to extract the most important elements they want. It's not just about the players providing feedback, and then we refine it.

Q: Can you introduce the Easter eggs hidden in the skins?

A: Let's talk about Keria's Bard skin. It features the holographic appearance of Lux in the recall animation, but that's not all. There are hidden images of Lux in other scenes as well. When using the W skill "Caretaker's Shrine," Lux's face can be seen hidden in the bowl of soup.

Q: Which player faced the most difficulties during the skin creation process?

A: Each player has their own personality and uniqueness, making the design process very interesting. The only difficulty was Keria's indecision about which champion to choose. Aside from that, Keria showed great enthusiasm for the skin. During the collaborative exploration process, when the design team mentioned that Bard can also be designed in an interesting and beautiful way, he showed genuine interest.

There is another story related to Keria. When evaluating each skin individually in January, Keria was the first, and Oner was the last. But Keria expressed his desire to participate in the discussion about Oner's skin. His character is really exceptional.

Q: Which player is most satisfied with the designed skin?

A: The players said they were very satisfied and liked their skins, but they expressed it in different ways. If we had to choose, Gumayusi really liked Doo after seeing her, and Keria was always happy and gave us good suggestions in every meeting.

Q: The championship skins contain the concept of overcoming adversity and hardship. What did the players say about this? What kind of emotions did they have?

A: During our communication with each player, we heard about their personal stories of overcoming adversity, hardship, and recovery. Although each story was different, it was a shared theme among them all, so we wanted to incorporate this content into the skins. However, we wanted to show each player's journey separately in the design process. Therefore, we customized and designed unique recall animations for each player.

Furthermore, through meetings and interviews, we learned that the teamwork at T1 is excellent. We could feel that the players have a great relationship and support each other. The most important thing is that they all call Faker their big brother and always say, "Our brother wants this." We worked hard to infuse the warmth of their hearts into the concept art and skin designs.



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